Monday, September 19, 2005

LUMC Newsletter

September Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 9
September 4, 2005
Leesburg United Methodist Church

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What’s Inside?
Pastor’s Mike’s Notes
Note From the Homeless
Leesburg Traveler’s
Bishop Conyer’s Notes
Prayer Concern List
Ongoing Prayer List
Thank Prayer List
Servicemen Prayer List
Financial Status
Stewardship Report
Lake Tippy Worship
Thank You
Monthly Shut-in List
Monthly Prayer List
LUMC E-mail
Angels At Work
Church Notes
Cook’s Corner
Choir Notes
Occupational Hymns
Information Page

Notes from Pastor Mike:
Well, now that fall is upon us, it’s time for us to end our summer vacations and go back to work! I want to thank you for our time away. It was indeed refreshing and renewing to spend time in Tennessee reflecting on life and what God is calling us to do. While we will often spend time reflecting, meditating and praying in the days ahead; now our emphasis shifts to planning and doing.

This week our doing kick off with our annual Polk Sale public service/fund raiser. By the time you read this, the sale will be concluded. The deed will be done, the service performed. But the fruits of that service are yet to be harvested. Are there new contacts or friends that you made during the sale that we now need to follow up on? Did you come up with some new idea about how we can share the Gospel and love of Christ more effectively to those in need around us? Were you encountered by God with some new insight or concern or opportunity we now need to share and address as a church family? Did you experience during the sale some new call from God to serve that we can help you with? On and on these fruitful questions go as the result of a simple public service and fund raising effort! Imagine the fruits we will have to harvest from our time at the lake this summer or our services in town! Imagine the fruits of opportunity and joy that will come from our classes and even meetings this fall!

I’ve been particularly impressed with the insight and enthusiasm generated at our visioning and worship meetings this summer. I’m looking forward to continuing the planning and the doing with these committees as we meet the next three Tuesday evenings in a row. Now, just for the record, I’m not wild about meetings, especially evening meetings. But, when we can gather in hope and plan with joy, ways new and old to expand God’s blessings among ourselves and share them with the community; I don’t mind those evening meetings so much. We need to gather regularly, of course, for the discussion, planning and doing of all God is making available to us at this time. It takes a lot of sacrifice on our part to enjoy the opportunities God puts in our path. Yet, as we share life together in His name, the significance and the fun of being a part of this family make it all worth while.

Now, no one can do everything. But, we all have an important role to play in all that we do even if it is just to offer prayer support and an encouraging word. I want to thank you in advance for all the fine work you do to make the Leesburg United Methodist Church possible. Let me know how I can help you to enjoy what you do even more! My hope is that what we share together as congregation and clergy will be of such significant value to each of us and those we serve that everyone in Leesburg will be glad we are here!

The United Methodism doctrine is not for everybody. We like to be free thinkers who don’t want anyone telling us what to think or do to serve God faithfully. Yet, we recognize that individually especially, we often need help sorting all of that out. As unified Methodists that's what we do! We help each other "sort it out" and we hold each other accountable for the way we live out our faith in the light of what we claim to believe.

As a conference we strive to do the same! We strive to help churches, members and pastors sort out what forms of service will bring them the greatest success, fulfillment and joy. This fall we have two opportunities to let the conference help us. The first is Saturday, September 17th when our Bishop sponsors his first general "Coming Together Conference" at St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis. The conference will feature noted author Brian McLaren who has written a book entitled "A Generous Orthodoxy: A manifesto of the Emerging Church Conversation". His point here is that as mainline churches we have a lot more to offer our "Post Modern Culture" then we realize! Other churches may be more "successful" at the moment; much as we were during the 40’s, 50’s; and 60’s. But the whole body of Christ needs what we (and we alone) can offer so desperately that it would be a shame if we missed out on the joy God intends us to share! That is especially true for those of us who are older. Our tempered wisdom is sorely needed in today’s combative "I’m right/ your wrong" world!!

Anyway, both Peggy Ciula and I will be taking advantage of this opportunity on Sept. 17. If you’d like more information, or better yet, if you’d like to join us that day, let either one of us know!

Also coming up is the "area wide" stewardship academy we are considering being a part of. This focuses more on establishing a healthy financial stewardship climate within congregations. But to do so will require us to take a close look at "all that we are" as a church family. What makes us unique in the body of Christ? What make us "tick" as disciples of Christ in Leesburg? Why does God continue to call us into being as a church family? And what unique role do we play in the sharing of God’s love? Why should anyone give to our ministry and mission? I’m sure the answers will surprise and amaze you! So, by taking advantage of this opportunity, we would be seeking discover anew the answers to these questions, especially in the light of my appointment here. What can we do now because Aletta and I are a part of the mix? What things do we need to leave behind because of how we’ve changed? Not easy questions to answer. Indeed, they are questions we will need a lot of help in answering. By God’s grace, we do have this opportunity to begin the discussion if we choose to take advantage of it. I hope we will! But even if we don’t, this fall the discussion begins in earnest, and I’m looking forward to sharing this adventure with you!

Note From The Homeless
We have been abandoned since last spring and have been forced to stay in the Fellowship Hall all summer. We come in all shapes and sizes, but we are huddled together on the table. We have had company, as the Dorcus circle came in each week and used some needles and yarn and tied a lot of knots into material, but we were ignored. Please claim us and take us home!

The Travelers
The Travelers will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at Fish of Stroh in Syracuse at 11:30 am. Please contact Mabel Herron at 453-3028 for more information and reservations.

From Bishop Coyner
I urge all United Methodist to pray this prayer for the victims and survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
O Lord, in this time of disaster and destruction, we are reminded of the hopeful words of Psalm 124: "If the Lord had not been on our side, the flood would have overwhelmed us." Even though flood waters, winds and the destruction have overwhelmed so many for whom we pray this day, we also pray and trust that Your healing, help and comfort will keep us from being overwhelmed and lost in this time of disaster. We pray that You will mobilize us, O Lord, to respond to those in need, that we might offer our best gifts, including these prayers today. Guide and protect those who are providing rescue and resources, even as You guide and protect those who are survivors of this tragedy. May our response to this disaster prove once again that the power of generosity and compassion can overcome the devastation of disaster. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Sept. 01 Dalton Smoker
Sept. 03 Burt Niles
Sept. 04 Crystal Watters
Sept. 05 Amber Kramer
Sept. 06 Kenny Miller
Sept. 10 Tammy Fishel
Sept. 10 Jason Davidson
Sept. 10 Julie Harper (Davidson)
Sept. 24 Virginia Huffman
Sept. 25 Al Hayes
Sept. 27 Ron Buchholz
Sept. 30 Jim Watkins

Sept. 07 Brian & Sue Payne
Sept. 12 Jason & Kim Bledsoe
Sept. 14 Randy & Sonja Hesser
Sept. 20 Darren & Kristi Fugett
Sept. 22 Charles & Norma Fawley
Sept. 24 Ellsworth & Shirley Everest
Sept. 27 Paul & Dawn Kramer

If anyone has been left off the birthday/anniversary list, please let the office know. I (Norma Hayes) know that several people have not supplied the office with their birth dates. You don’t need to give the year, just the date. Thanks!

Prayer Concerns
Ongoing Prayer List
Logan Bannon (friend of the church who is 2 years old and has been diagnosed with cancer)
Marilyn Hartman (health problems)
Dr. John and Harriet Alford (John is now back home as he recovers from a broken hip)
Gail Tyner, (mother of a very close friend of Al and Norma Hayes, who has terminal cancer, however is rallying)
Betty Hetler, (remedial medical procedure)
Ester Berkey’s Grandson, (broken collarbone)
John Kehoe, (brother-in-law of Louise Miller, recovering from heart surgery)
Jill Walker, (Carrie Ciula Walker’s mother-in-law recovering from surgery)
Doug Jeffers (cousin of Peggy Ciula going through testing for extreme pain)
Barb Johnson, (in Lakeland Rehabilitation Center)
Eugene Polk
Sandy Fiedeke
(Janet Kenney’s sister)
Rick Townsend, (Robin Watters’ brother-in-law, who has a kidney disease and requires dialysis)
Carlie Chew, (Beth Chew’s niece, 8 year old who has a very rare disease that has no cure)
Betty Clover
Pat Rader
Burt Niles
Norma Walters
Josephine Shively
Bob Long
Mildred Randall.

Thank You Prayer List

John Anglin (recent treatments have greatly helped his back problems)
Maxine Harreld, (recovered from thumb surgery)

Pray For Our Servicemen and their Families
Joshua A. Dirck
, USMC; (Janet Kinney’s nephew) in Guatemala;
Howard Russell Johnson, II, (Howard, the 4th; Howard Johnson’s grandson) who works for the Department of Defense as an undercover field investigator.
Jason Miller, (son of Dennis & Cindy Miller) US Coast Guard stationed in MI.

September Shut-In Prayer List
During the year we pray for one member or constituent member in our congregation each day. We also remember and pray for one shut-in or member who needs extra loving care each week by sending them cards, calling them, visiting them and praying for them. Our shut-ins for the month of September are:
September 4-10 - Jason Davidson
September 11-17 - Barb and Ho Johnson
September 18-24 - Norma Walters
September 25-Oct. 2 - Betty Clover
October 3-9 - Bob Long

Daily Prayer List
Sep. 01 Chad Criswell
Sep. 02 Jennifer Criswell
Sep. 03 Beth Czuba
Sep. 04 Ashley Czuba
Sep. 05 Jason Davidson
Sep. 06 Ken Davidson
Sep. 07 Jerry Davis
Sep. 08 Electa Davis
Sep. 09 Brian Deatsman
Sep. 10 Janelle Deatsman
Sep. 11 Helen Deatsman
Sep. 12 Max Deatsman
Sep. 13 Gina Deatsman
Sep. 14 Renee Deatsman
Sep. 15 Jerry Deeter
Sep. 16 Darcy Deeter
Sep. 17 Sandy Diehl
Sep. 18 Barbara Diehl
Sep. 19 Kevin Dishman
Sep. 20 Rhonda Dishman
Sep. 21 Kylie Dishman
Sep. 22 Kara Dishman
Sep. 23 Ellsworth Everest
Sep. 24 Shirley Everest
Sep. 25 Keith Everest
Sep. 26 Lori Everest
Sep. 27 Charles Fawley
Sep. 28 Norma Fawley
Sep. 29 Bob Ferverda
Sep. 30 Nancy Ferverda
Sep. 31 Nathan Fishel
Oct. 01 Tamara Fishel
Oct. 02 Noah Fishel
Oct. 03 Micah Fishel
Oct. 04 Darrin Fugett
Oct. 05 Kris Fugett
Oct. 06 Kiara Fugett
Oct. 07 Kylie Fugett
Oct. 08 Danny Gregory
Oct. 09 Bobby Gregory
Oct. 10 Dee Dee Gregory
Each day our congregation will pray for a member of our church as listed above.

Prayer needs:
If you know of anyone who needs prayer for any reason, please call their names into the office so we can make sure they are added to the list. We cannot make changes to the list unless we are notified
If you notify the office with updates and notes concerning the people on our prayer list, the updates will be printed, with your permission, in the newsletter. Even though we keep in close contact with each other, there are some who are not able to attend church that do not receive update information. Thank you.

Reaching Out To Others For Christ

Another Successful Lake Service Season
Through the efforts and dedication of the many friends and members of the Leesburg United Methodist Church, Lake Tippy Morning Services concluded another season at Patona Bay. We were truly blesses with warm weather the entire season without rain. It has also been gratifying to hear complimentary comments from several summer residents who have regularly attended this outreach program.

Tuesday, September 6, the Tippy Worship committee chaired by Jim and Verlyn Hearn will meet to assess this season. If there is any thing that you feel could be changed for next season to enhance the service, please let us know or come to the 6:30 meeting to present your ideas. This meeting will also include the Worship committee who will finalize our worship plans for the fall. Feel free to come to this meeting as we analyze the summer worship service and finalize the fall worship services.

Lake Attendance
Date __Boats __On Lake ___Shore
Aug. 7 __38 ____131 _______143
Aug. 14 _17 _____70 _______112
Aug. 21 _32 ____126 _______126
Aug. 28 _35 ____150 ________93
Total __122 ____477 _______474
Average 30 _____119 _______118

As soon as the congregation sings the last Alleluia in the hymn "Christ Is Risen", several members begin to organize the Lake Tippy Morning Services. Jim and Verlyn Hearn, chairmen of the Tippecanoe Worship Task Force, start to find constituents and members of the church to serve coffee and juice on the pier. At the same time, Peg and Terry Henry are busy asking members and constituents to serve coffee and juice on shore. At least the Hearn’s and Henry’s have many dates for the volunteers to choose from as they had to cover 14 Sundays this year. Meanwhile, Norma Hayes is leaving messages on many answering machines in trying to "book" the special music.

You may not believe this, but the coffee doesn’t just "jump" into the big pots and into the individual cups. This "small" part of the service also takes a lot of coordination and manpower. A schedule was set up for the each Sunday by the Henry’s to ensure that we had coffee and juice to serve. Several people come to the church and take the coffee pots and coolers out to Patona Bay along with the supplies-stirrers, creamer, sugar, and coffee for the first Sunday of the season. On Saturday, Couple A and Couple B go to Patona Bay and make the coffee and set it on a timer for Sunday morning. Couple A is the head team for that Sunday, and Couple B is in training so that they can be the head couple the following Sunday.

On Sunday morning, "Captain" George Paton checks to see if the coffee is brewing. That usually is around 5:30 or 6:00 am. Captain George doesn’t like to start his "cruise" without coffee. Then, George is back at Patona Bay around 7:00 am to make sure the gates are open and the building is open for Jim Hearn, Bob Smoker, Ron West, and John Flory to unload the sound equipment and speakers and set up the system on the pontoon. This gives the men an early morning workout as the equipment is both heavy and awkward to handle. By 7:30 am, the coffee workers begin to fill the coffee cups and ice down the juice and fill the coolers for the pier and shore. The coffee workers are also responsible for checking out the fishing nets for holes in the plastic bag, then placing them on the pier and on shore. By 7:45 a.m., Mick Case has made the trip from his home to Patona Bay on his bicycle and is in the parking lot ready to tell the worshiper’s where to go-to park their cars, of course. That’s after he’s wiped off the tables in the park. Mabel Herron, completing her 19th year as greeter, and Peg Klopenstein are now in their places to welcome the congregation as they "enter" and give them a bulletin. They also pass out the newsletter and communion kits once a month.

By 7:45 am, Jim Hearn has the system up and running and is checking out Pastor Mike’s mike, the monitors, and is ready for a run-through with the guest musician if they so desire. Jim is also checking out the tapes he has produced for the pre and post music. He also collaborates with Norma Hayes on choosing the praise songs that are sung each week, then makes sure that the songs are recorded in order on the tape.

By 8:00 am, Pastor Mike is greeting the people on shore before the service. At 8:15 am, everyone is boarding the pontoon and preparing for the service. Jim Hearn is now communicating with his "crew" on shore to ensure that the headsets are working. He also contacts Ken Davidson, who is on the "back pew" of the lake. These people are vital as they monitor the sound and help to make sure everyone can hear the service. They also help to make sure the balance of the soloists and their accompaniment is in sync.

During the short, meaningful service which ends at 9:00 am, Mick is quietly counting boats, people and dogs. On a slow day, he even counts ducks! At the end of the service, the boats begin to bring up their anchors and the workers again go into action-the pier and shore workers begin to put everything away and Jim and his crew take the sound equipment down and put it away for the next week.

By the time Pastor Mike, Norma Hayes and Helen Smoker or Verlyn Hearn enter the church in town, Wally Huffman has started his coffee and put out the cookies for the next service. He also has turned on the lights and sound system.

All in all, we have between 17 and 20 people who commit themselves each Sunday to make the Tippy Morning Service happen, plus the 5 or 6 people each week to make the second service happen. Without the members and constituents of LUMC, this outreach would NOT happen!

Thank You!!!
The Tippy Worship Committee wishes to thank everyone who helped make this season at the lakes successful. Peg and Terry Henry did a great job in coordinating the coffee teams and Bob Smoker, Jim and Verlyn Hearn did a great in monitoring and producing the sound system.
A special thanks to those who participated in the services by "dragging" their chairs to church each Sunday, even when the weather didn’t look promising. Your presence was vital in making the service successful!

Thank You, ?
Weeds were beginning to take hold along the sidewalk and in the parking lot. Some one came by and sprayed the weeds. Thank you, someone, for caring about the church grounds!

Thank You, Helen Smoker
Helen has often been seen, day and night, pulling a few weeds in the parsonage flower beds and in the church beds. She also takes time to water the flowers and shrubs that were planted this spring. Thank you!

Thank You, Keith and Lori Everest
And let there be light! Thank you for replacing the lights above Mike’s desk in the church office. It’s a lot brighter in the office and makes it a more pleasant to work area.

Thank You
Labor Day weekend is just that for this church. Many hands were kept busy on Sept. 1, 2, and 3 as the workers spent many hours at the corner of 6 and 15. This dedicated group needs to recognized for the hard work they do to help Leesburg United Methodist Church. A special thanks goes to Shirley Polk, Jan Buchholz, Bob and Waneta Bishop, Helen Smoker and Lori Everest for volunteering to chair the three days of Polk Sales.

Our emails For The Month
Dear Ones,
My husband and I have been attending your lake service this summer and found it to be so rewarding. Especially this past Sunday with Peggy Ciula Message. I have heard many sermons on the tongue but none that compared to this one.
Thanks for a blessed summer and thanks to all that worked so hard. We will be moving home after Labor Day and want to wish you God's blessing the rest of the year. Hope to be in attendance next summer.
God Bless,
Tom and Jan Moser
Bluffton, IN 46714

From Barb & Ho Johnson
Barb seems to be progressing again after a fall and setback about ten days ago. She sometimes is troubled by her legs giving out suddenly while standing. That caused her to fall and, of course, that kind of fall makes her very apprehensive of standing. That, in turn, exacerbates problems with her rehabilitation, but she still seems to be improving. We’re hoping she can make it to church on the lake this Sunday and possible some visits home. Some of our Michigan families will be visiting us over Labor Day weekend so she has an incentive to come home for a visit or two.

I want to thank everyone for the calls, cards and visits. Barb really lights up with each and every one. We’re hoping she will be able to leave Lakeland and come home later in September. I would certainly relish forgoing those trips back and forth to Milford. In the mean time, keep those cards, emails, calls and visits coming.

She has her cell phone by her side most of the time. Her number is 527-8462, a local call for most of the area.

Angels At Work
Envelope Giving Only
______2004 ____2004 to date ___2005
Jan. _$ 4,343.69 _$ 4,343.69 ___$14,921.28
Feb. _15,567.75 __19,911.44 ____ 3,044.83
Mar. __4,486.48 __24,487.92 ____5,403.36
Apr. __5,055.80 __29,453.72 ____4,944.88
Jun. __5,326.71 ___5,326.71 ____4,573.00
Jul. __ 3,805.00 _ _3,805.00 ____6,449.70
Aug. _ 5,396.50 ___5,396.50 ____4,383.59
Sep. __4,657.00
Oct. __6,109.67
Nov. _ 4,284.00
Dec. __7,218.84
Lake __7,922.14 ___6,784.63 ____6,413.96
Total $81,084.48 _$54,578.06 _ $45,509.20

2005 Weekly Totals
Aug. 7 __5,222.65
Aug. 14 _2,024.00
Aug. 21 _1,853.50
Aug. 28 _1,500.67
Total _$10,600.82

Pennies $ 72.08
Apportionments 350.00
Polk Sale 652.00
Savings Transfer 3,406.65
Sub-Total $4,480.73

Church Notes
We’re Having More Company!
The District Pastor’s meeting will be held in our Fellowship Hall on Thursday, September 22nd. Juanita Allen will chair the continental breakfast that will be served to the pastors at 8:30 prior to their 9:00 am meeting.

Church Council
No report.
Finance No report.
Dorcus Circle No report.

Prisca Circle
The Prisca Circle will meet at Shirley Everest’s home on Sept. 7 at 7:00 pm. Norma Fawley will give the lesson and Shirley will be responsible for the devotions.

Lydia Circle
The Lydia Circle will meet this month on Sept. 14 in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. Peg Smith will host the circle and Mary Strong will present the program. Juanita Allen wishes to thank everyone for their help in hosting the District UMW officers last month.

JoAnn Pound wants to remind you that Mission Sunday is the last Sunday of the each month. On that Sunday, we have a special offering (Pennies Sunday) and we also collect food supplies for CCS. Plan on bringing in can goods, staples and paper goods for the CSS and Our Father’s House, plus your Campbell Labels for Bashor Schools.

The Worship Committee meet again on Sept. 6 to finalize the fall worship plans. Remember that this meeting is open to the church membership.

Tippy Worship
The Tippy Worship Committee will meet with the Worship Committee to assess the Summer Worship. Remember that this meeting is also open to the church membership

Vision Committee
The Visioning Committee plans to meet on Tues., Sept. 13 at 6:30 pm.

1 Dennis Polk Sale
2 Dennis Polk Sale Pastor’s Day Off
3 Dennis Polk Sale
4 Tippy Worship 8:30 Worship 9:45 Communion Sun. .Labor Day Sunday
6 Dorcus 9:00 am Worship and Tippy Worship 6:30 pm
7 Prisca Circle at Shirley Everest at &:00 pm
8 Choir Rehearsal 4:00 pm Lions Dinner 7:00 pm
9 Pastor’s Day Off
11 Worship 9:30Fellowship 10:30Sun. School 10:45Carry-In Dinner 11:30 am
13 Dorcus 9:00 am
15 Lydia Circle at 9:30 am Choir Rehearsal 4:00 pm
16 Pastor’s Day Off
18 Praise Worship 9:30Fellowship 10:30Sun. School 10:45
20 Dorcus 9:00 am Finance 7:00 pmChurch Council
22 District Pastor’s Meeting Breakfast & Meeting 8:30 Choir Rehearsal 4:00 pm
23 Kober/Payne Rehearsal 4:30 pm Pastor’s Day Off
24 Kober/Payne Wedding 4:30 pm
25 Worship 9:30Fellowship 10:30Sun. School 10:45
27 Dorcus 9:00 am
28 Leesburg Traveler’s
29 Choir Rehearsal 4:00 pm
30 Pastor’s Day Off

Cook's Corner

Lemon Whippersnaps
Submitted by Norma Anglin
1 regular package lemon cake mix
2 c. (4 oz carton) frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 egg
1/2 c. sifted powdered sugar.
Grease cookie sheet. Combine cake mix with topping and egg in large bowl. Stir until well blended; will be a little sticky. Drop by rounded tsp. into powdered sugar; roll to coat. Place 1 1/2" apart on sheet. Bake at 350 for 10-15 min. until light golden brown. Remove from sheet and cool. Makes about 4 dozen. [You can substitute chocolate cake mix for the lemon cake mix.]

Hurricane Apple Bread
Submitted by Norma Walters
1 c. margarine 1 c. sugar
1 egg, beaten 2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. soda 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 c. milk
1-1/2 c. thinly sliced apples
1/4 c. chopped nuts
Cream butter, add sugar and egg. Sift flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon together and add dry ingredients alternately with milk. Fold in apples and nuts. Put in two greased and floured 7 1/2" x 4" loaf pans. Sprinkle top with sugar and bake at 350 degreed for 50-60 minutes. Test middle with a toothpick. Cool and loosen bread and turn out.

Choir Loft
We found some new music and a new time to rehearse. If you want to change the time back to 7:00 from 4:00, let me know. We sing next Sunday, so we need to work a little more on our music. We always welcome new and old voices to the group. Join our "exclusive" group for a chance to "preach" through music. Choir Loft - Thanks, Al Hayes

Occupational Hymns
The Dentist’s Hymn - Crown Him With Many Crowns
The Weatherman’s Hymn - There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
The Contractor’s Hymn - The Church’s One Foundation
The Tailor’s Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer’s Hymn - There is a Green Hill Far Away
The Politician’s Hymn - Standing on the Promises
The Optometrist’s Hymn - Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent’s Hymn - I Surrender All
The Gossip’s Hymn - Pass It On
The Electrician’s Hymn - Send the Light
The Shopper’s Hymn - Sweet By and By
The Realtor’s Hymn - I’ve Got A Mansion Just Over The Hilltop
The Paramedic’s Hymn - Revive Us Again
The Judge’s Hymn - Almost Persuaded
The Psychiatrist’s Hymn - Just A Little Talk With Jesus
The Architect’s Hymn - How Firm A Foundation
The Credit Card Telemarketer’s Hymn - A Charge To Keep I Have
The Zookeeper’s Hymn - All Creatures of Our God & King
The Postal Worker’s Hymn - So Send I You
The Waiter’s Hymn - Fill My Cup, Lord
The Gardener’s Hymn - Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming
The Lifeguard’s Hymn - Rescue The Perishing
The Criminal’s Hymn - Search Me, O God
The Baker’s Hymn - When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
The Shoe Repairer’s Hymn - It Is Well With My Soul
The Travel Agent’s Hymn - Anywhere with Jesus
The Geologist’s Hymn - Rock Of Ages
The Hematologist’s Hymn - Are You Washed in the Blood?
The Men’s Wear Clerk’s Hymn - Blest Be The Tie
The Umpire’s Hymn - I Need No Other Argument
The Librarian’s Hymn - Whispering Hope

Looking For An Angel
Does anyone know where Maxine Robinson lives now? I no longer have a correct address in Ft. Myers-56 E. Palm Dr.

Farmers Needed:
The African University Committee is working on a new project to raise money for a new training center at Africa University. It will be a training center for Small Plot Farmers-It will be part of the School of Agriculture at Africa University. If possible they are hoping to find a farmer in each district who is mission minded and who might be interested in learning more about the project. If you have a farmer in your church who may be interested, please contact the District Office. The name will then be forwarded to the Conference Office and the committee will contact them.

Choir Workshop
Warsaw First UMC will be holding a Choir Workshop and Concert on Saturday, September 24 at 8:30 am. The presenter is composer and musician Mark Hayes. Cost is $25 and does not include meals. Call the church at 267-6933 to register.

Warsaw District Lay Academy
The Fall Lay Academy will be held on Sunday afternoons, Oct. 2, 9, 16, and 23 from 2:00 to 5:30 pm at Warsaw Trinity UMC.

Fall Youth Rally
Epworth Forest will hold the annual Fall Youth Rally on Sat., Sept. 24. Gates open at 4:00 pm and concert begins at 4:30 pm Silers Bald, Inhabited and Todd Agnew are the bands. Tickets are $12 in advance and $14 at the door. Group Ticket prices are available.

Coming Together
Bishop Coyner invites the clergy and laity of North and South Conferences to a time of learning, discussing and being challenged on Sat., Sept. 17 at St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis. Call the District Office for info.