Thursday, October 06, 2005

October LUMC Newsletter


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October Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 10
October 4, 2005
Leesburg United Methodist Church

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Church Worship—9:30 am
Fellowship—10:30 am.
Sunday School—10:45 am.

What’s Inside?

Page 1 Pastor’s Mike’s Notes
Choir Loft
Polk Addition
Praise Sunday
New Addresses
Ongoing Prayer List
Servicemen Prayer List
Note From Your Secretary
Financial News
Monthly Shut-in List
Monthly Prayer List
Church Notes
Angels At Work
Leesburg Traveler’s
LUMC E-mail
Cook’s Corner
Breakfast at MacDonald’s

Pastor’s Mike’s Notes

I’m only writing a short note this month to lift up two events taking place you may want to participate in.

The first event is our own lay academy (lay speakers school) that will begin today, Oct. 2 from 2 to 5:30 pm at Warsaw Trinity United Methodist Church. This is a great opportunity to learn about our United Methodist Lay Ministries including lay preaching, our history, heritage and book of Discipline. Graduates from the “speaking school” are even certified to speak and preach in a United Methodist Church at the invitation of the pastor or pastor parish committee chairperson.

Officers of the church often find this experience extremely helpful in preparing them to lead our ministry teams and required committees. I’d like to urge all of you to attend at least one school during your life time.

If you are interested, please see me today so we can get you signed up. Believe me, you’ll be glad you did!

The second opportunity comes from Grace College. They are sponsoring a “New Career Conference at the college on Oct. 21 and 22.

Again, I have sign-up information and other materials, if you would like to attend.
This conference centers on mission opportunities for lay people using the talents they apply to their daily lives. It’s about helping people with your unique skills, hospitality gifts, trade skills, organizational abilities and the like. I have a DVD you can watch that explains this conference for fully. In addition, our own UMCOR will be represented with a booth, so you can check that out as well! Again I urge you to prayerfully consider this opportunity Christ is putting before us.



Oct. 04 David Smoker
Oct. 06 Ray Hartman
Oct. 07 Isabel Bishop
Oct. 07 Mike Todd
Oct. 07 Brian Smoker
Oct. 08 Lauren Johnson
Oct. 09 Betty Bair
Oct. 14 Norma Hayes
Oct. 22 Jacob Polk
Oct. 30 Lois Watkins
Nov. 01 Carolyn Davidson
Nov. 03 Brian Payne
Nov. 04 Pastor Barb Lloyd
Nov. 05 Debra Paton

Oct. 01 Chubb and Mary Smith
Oct. 06 Jim and Lois Watkins
Oct. 15 Ron and Carol West
Nov. 3 Loren and JoAnn Pound

If anyone has been left off the birthday/anniversary list, please let the office know. I (Norma Hayes) know that several people have not supplied the office with their birth dates. You don’t need to give the year, just the date. Thanks!

Prayer List

Oct. 01 Nathan Fishel
Oct. 02 Tamara Fishel
Oct. 03 Noah Fishel
Oct. 04 Micah Fishel
Oct. 05 Darrin Fugett
Oct. 06 Kris Fugett
Oct. 07 Kiara Fugett
Oct. 08 Kylie Fugett
Oct. 09 Danny Gregory
Oct. 10 Bobby Gregory
Oct. 11 Dee Dee Gregory
Oct. 12 Ruth Hammond
Oct. 13 Maxine Harreld
Oct. 14 Raymond Hartman
Oct. 15 Marilyn Hartman
Oct. 16 Al Hayes
Oct. 17 Norma Hayes
Oct. 18 Jim Hayes
Oct. 19 Susan Hayes
Oct. 20 Richard Hearn
Oct. 21 Susan Hearn
Oct. 22 Steve Hearn
Oct. 23 Delores Hearn
Oct. 24 Terry Henry
Oct. 25 Peg Henry
Oct. 26 Mabel Herron
Oct. 27 Randy Hesser
Oct. 28 Sonja Hesser
Oct. 29 Scott Hesser
Oct. 30 Kevin Hesser
Oct. 31 Betty Hetler
Nov. 01 Wallace Huffman
Nov. 02 Virginia Huffman
Nov. 03 HoJo Johnson
Nov. 04 Barb Johnson
Nov. 05 Matt Johnson
Nov. 06 Kimberly Johnson
Nov. 07 Lauren Johnson
Nov. 08 Kyle Johnson
Nov. 09 Donny Kaiser
Nov. 10 Bart Kammerer

Each day our congregation will pray for a member of our church as listed above

Ongoing Prayer List

Logan Bannon (friend of the church who is 2 years old and has been diagnosed with cancer); Marilyn Hartman ; (health problems); Dr. John and Harriet Alford (John is now back home as he recovers from a broken hip); Gail Tyner , (mother of a very close friend of Al and Norma Hayes, who has terminal cancer, however is rallying) Betty Hetler , (remedial medical procedure); Ester Berkey’s Grandson , (broken collarbone); John Kehoe , (brother-in-law of Louise Miller, recovering from heart surgery) Jill Walker , (Carrie Ciula Walker’s mother-in-law recovering from surgery); Doug Jeffers (cousin of Peggy Ciula; going through testing for extreme pain); Barb Johnson , (in Lakeland Rehabilitation Center); Eugene Polk; Sandy Fiedeke (Janet Kenney’s sister); Rick Townsend , (Robin Watters’ brother-in-law, who has a kidney disease and requires dialysis); Carlie Chew , (Beth Chew’s niece, 8 year old who has a very rare disease that has no cure); Betty Clover; Pat Rader; Burt Niles; Norma Walters; Josephine Shively; Bob Long; and Mildred Randall.

Thank Prayer List

Servicemen Prayer ListPray For Our Servicemen and their Families

Joshua A. Dirck, USMC; (Janet Kinney’s nephew) in Guatemala; Howard Russell Johnson, II, (Howard, the 4th; Howard Johnson’s grandson) who works for the Department of Defense as an undercover field investigator; and Jason Miller, (son of Dennis & Cindy Miller) US Coast Guard stationed in MI.

Monthly Shut-in List

During the year we pray for one member or constituent member in our congregation each day. We also remember and pray for one shut-in or member who needs extra loving care each week by sending them cards, calling them, visiting them and praying for them. Our shut-ins for the month of October are:

October 2—9
Bob Long
October 9—15
John & Harriet Alford
October 16—22
Matt Payton
October 23—29
Auri Guisti Aguliar
October 30—Nov. 5
Mary Webb

Leesburg Traveler’s

The Travelers will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 11:30 am. The destination will be announced at a later date. Please contact Wally Huffman at 453-4811 or Helen Deatsman at 453-3794 for reservations and information.

Angels At Work
Envelope Giving Only

______2004 ____2004 to date ___2005

Jan. ___$ 4,343.69 _$ 4,343.69 ___$14,921.28
Feb. ___15,567.75 __19,911.44 ____ 3,044.83
Mar. ___4,486.48 __24,487.92 ____5,403.36
Apr. ___5,055.80 __29,453.72 ____4,944.88
Jun. ___5,326.71 ___5,326.71 ____4,573.00
Jul. ___ 3,805.00 _ _3,805.00 ____6,449.70
Aug. __ 5,396.50 ___5,396.50 ____4,383.59
Sep. ___4,657.00 ___4,657.00____4,274.24
Oct. ___6,109.67
Nov. __ 4,284.00
Dec. ___7,218.84
Lake ___7,922.14 ___6,784.63 ____6,413.96
Total $81,084.48 _$59,235.06 _ $50,363.09

2005 Weekly Totals
Sept. 5 ___$2,162.51
Sept. 12____1,777.00
Sept. 19____1,006.00
Sept. 26____1,658.35
Offering for the year

Pennies $ 72.08
Apportionments 350.00
Polk Sale 652.00
Savings Transfer 3,406.65
Sub-Total $4,480.73

Church Notes

Church Council
The Church Council met on Sept. 20 with Steve Hearn presiding. Several items were discussed. In the Membership report, JoAnn Pound reported that the charge conference will be held in the next month and she would like everyone to look through the 2005 directory and report any discrepancies to her so she can make corrections before the charge conference.
The Finance committee recommended that some money from the Polk Sale be used to clean the church carpets and kitchen floor as well.

The finance committee met on Sept. 20 and Peg Henry stated that the bills are paid to date and our apportionments are paid through Sept.

Dorcus Circle
Nothing new to report. However, we still are sewing and still need more hands!

Prisca Circle
The Prisca Circle will meet at Norma Fawley’s home on Oct. 12 at 7:00 pm. Helen Smoker will give the lesson and Waneta Bishop will be responsible for the devotions.

Lydia Circle
The Lydia Circle will meet this month on Oct. 20. At this time, the hostess and program has not been determined. However, the circle will meet someplace at 9:30 a.m.

With cold weather on the way, JoAnn Pound wants to remind you that our collections for Mission Sunday is very important as there will probably be more demand for help. On the last Sunday of the month, we have a special offering (Pennies Sunday) and we also collect food supplies for CCS. Plan on bringing in can goods, staples and paper goods for the CSS and Our Father’s House, plus your Campbell Labels for Bashor Schools. After we have brought in the collection for Our Father’s House and CSS, JoAnn then takes the donations into the Warsaw.

The Worship Committee met and planned the fall season. Watch the newsletter and bulletins for the times and dates for the special various services, gatherings and activities.

Tippy Worship
The Tippy Worship Committee met and, after assessing the summer services, decided to change the service slightly by eliminating the first congregation song.

Vision Committee
The Visioning Committee plans to meet sometime in Oct. The Sept. scheduled meeting was postponed.

Warsaw District Lay Academy
The Fall Lay Academy will be held on Sunday afternoons, Oct. 2, 9, 16, and 23 from 2:00 to 5:30 pm at Warsaw Trinity UMC.

Choir Loft
Now that we have some new music , we need to “figure out” how to sing it. I think practice will be the answer, so I’ll see you on Thursdays at 4:00 pm unless something else comes up. By the way, next Thurs. practice will be postponed until Sun. Oct. 9. Are you still looking for new members? Keep looking!

- Thanks, Al Hayes

Thank You's!

Thank You, Jerry Martin
Thank you, Jerry, for taking the aluminum cans into the recycling center.
Thank You, Davidson’s
Thank you, Ken and Carolyn, for agreeing to host the evening Bible Study this fall.
Thank You, Juanita Allen, et al
Thank you, Juanita, for hosting the District Pastor’s meeting. Juanita purchased most of the food, prepared the food, carried it to the church and with the help of Virginia Huffman and Mabel Herron, served the food, then cleaned up! However, there was very few leftovers. Must of been the good food that was served. Thanks, girls!

Cook's Corner

Fruit Cobbler - Submitted by Waneta Bishop
Thick layer of fruit:
[peaches, blueberries or cherries works really well]
1 Tbs. butter or margarine
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. milk
Blend butter, sugar and milk together.
1 c. flour
2 tsp. powder sugar
Put batter over layer of fruit. Then sprinkle 1 c. sugar over batter. Pour 1 c. water over sugar. Bake at 350 for 40 min.

Broccoli Salad - Submitted by Justin Metz
(Grandson of Carol West who made this salad for his graduation party)

Mix together:
2 bunches broccoli
1 c. Miracle Whip
1/4 c. chopped onion
2 Tbs.. cider vinegar
10 slices crisp bacon
1/2 tsp. sugar

Cut broccoli into bite size pieces. Add onions to broccoli and crumble bacon over mixture. Pour dressing over mixture. Mix together and refrigerate.

NOTICE: If you no longer wish to receive the Leesburg newsletter, please call the church office to have your name removed from the mailing list.

Leesburg United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 175
Leesburg, IN 46538

LUMC Service Attendance for September
Sunday . . Lake . . . Town

Sept. 5 . . . . 145 . . . . . . 14
Sept. 12 . . . 307 . . . . . . 11
Sept. 19 . . . 224 . . . . . . 12
Sept. 26 . . .179 . . . . . . . 10
Total . . . . 923 . . . . . .59

Average . . .185 . . . . . .12

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